As a trained, professional graphic artist and illustrator, Eric has had his own boutique ad agency for many years. He has designed tons of t-shirts over the years, starting in high school when his friends would give him money to design shirts screen-printed and tye-died shirts for them. So, creating and submitting a design for the Sweet Pea t-shirt contest just came naturally.
In his design, Eric sought to capture the fun, excitement, and personality of the Festival. Through a dynamic yet simple three-color design that emphasized a custom, hand-drawn font created just for the shirt design, as well as clean design and color concepts. Eric says he was inspired to go for a retro look because this year is the 35th anniversary of the Sweet Pea Festival in Bozeman, and it was his goal to celebrate this landmark year in the design.
Despite all his artistic talent and making a living as an artist, Eric explains that being an artist doesn’t define who he is. First and foremost he is focused on being a good dad, serving his church and his community, and inspiring others—including his own kids—to find their purpose and serve their community through their natural talents and gifts.